DIY crafts with chicken wire, metal mesh and decorative sheeting

DIY crafts with chicken wire, metal mesh and decorative sheeting

If you like country crafts and DIY projects, there’s an endless lot of materials waiting for you to work with. From reclaimed barn boards, to old shutters, window panes and doors, there’s no stopping a person on a crafty mission! 

How about chicken wire though? Have you ever considered working with it? Here’s a look at a bunch of crafts that call for chicken wire, mesh backing or cut metal sheeting –– all of which you can pick up for pennies at your local hardware store.

As you can see, chicken wire typically comes in pre-measured rolls. It's very shiny when new and can be aged with time, or spray painted black (or any color you like) It's often used in door inserts and country cabinets, however retailers have picked up on the diy trend and now manufacture other decor items that have the look, such as baskets, frames and more. Lets take a look:


Here is a great example of a two door jelly cuboard featuring chicken wire doors. This one is likely manufactured, but you can achieve the look on a budget by buying an inexpensive cabinet at a tag sale, cutting out the door inserts and using a carpenters stapler to tack in cut chicken wire panels. 

Here, someone has made a shabby chic frame and used chicken wire. Now you can hang photos, or jewelry! 

While you certainly could do this project at home, you may want to consider purchasing an item like this. One of the tricky things about chicken wire is, it's sharp when you cut it, make sure you wear a good fabric gardening glove to prevent injuries –– and cut it with wire snips. 

Above a light features chicken wire panels –– did you know you can also use wire mesh or decorative sheeting to complete these types of DIY projects? One great thing about wire mesh is, it's often used on large indoor/outdoor doors. It won't tear like traditional screen material and can add a heightened, dramatic/modern look.  


One fun way to incorporate metal mesh inserts is in a set of old lockers. It's a nice material because it lets the light and air in on sweaty sports jerseys or sneakers, yet hides alot at the same time. 

Another fun option is punched tin. You will see this look a lot in PA where Amish furniture is made. It's a classic primitive look. Again, the tiny holes let air inside a traditional pie safe, but the focus now is certainly more decorative. 

Of these looks what is your favorite? Perhaps you already have a piece of furniture in your home that features a metal door insert! Remember to always be careful when cutting metal, it can be sharp! Happy & safe crafting friends!